Farm Economics

Growers are continuously faced with the need to balance the economics of input and output to guarantee the economic sustainability and long-term profitability of their farms. Economics is about wealth, that is the use of often scarce resources to produce and exchange goods in order to create wealth. Farmers have limited amounts of land, labor, money (or credit) for inputs and other resources to use on their farms. Farm management is about making decisions regarding use of the resources available. How farmers use their resources affects how much wealth they can create. 
Cost of production refers to the value of the inputs involved in the production of crops and among them there are the costs of fertilizers that farmers should apply to ensure optimal crop growth and development. Since the farm profit refers to the money left over after the all the costs are paid all growers have an interest in reducing fertilizers costs, without compromising the yield and quality of their crops. 
Our nutrient calculator is the free service that allows you to calculate the removal of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sulfur (N, P, K and S) of your crop, based on the yield. 
You can choose the crop, set production, and Calculate the NPK and S removals. Then based on the type of fertilizer; you will get the quantity to apply and the cost. 

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Reach out to a sales rep to get a fertilization plan that fits your needs.

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