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This Code of Ethics is directed at employees, partners, and consultants who establish relationships,
directly or indirectly, stably or temporarily, with the Hello Nature Group and its companies or otherwise
to whoever operates to pursue corporate objectives.
The company commits to distributing a copy of this Code of Ethics to all employees and collaborators
and to disseminating its contents and objectives.
All recipients are required to understand the Code of Ethics and contribute to its implementation.
Recipients of the Code of Ethics are required to comply with the laws of the countries in which the
respective companies operate. Under no circumstances is it permissible to pursue or achieve corporate
interests by violating the law.
Anyone operating within the Hello Nature organization, without distinctions or exceptions, must align
their actions and behavior with the principles and content of the Code, recognizing that compliance
with the Code is an essential part of the quality of work performance.
Relationships between individuals, at all levels, must be based on honesty, fairness, collaboration,
loyalty, and mutual respect.
Recipients who violate the principles and rules contained in this Code undermine the relationship of
trust established with the Group and its companies.
Compliance with the law, moral integrity, ethics, and fairness must be the constant commitment and
duty of everyone operating within Hello Nature’s organizational structure.
Everything done in the course of work must be inspired by the highest standards of fairness,
completeness, truthfulness, and transparency of information.
Employees, external collaborators, and consultants must work with dedication and professional rigor,
ensuring adequate professional contributions to the assigned roles and responsibilities while protecting
the prestige and reputation of the Group.
All activities within the Group must aim to enhance, in the long term, the asset, technological, and
knowledge values of Hello Nature companies, as well as create value and well-being for all
Under no circumstances can the belief of acting to the benefit or interest of the companies justify even
partial behaviors contrary to the law, principles, or contents of this Code.
Practices of corruption, illegitimate favors, collusive behaviors, or solicitations for personal or career
advantages for oneself or others are strictly prohibited.
1. Transparency, Fairness, and Mutual Respect: These are mandatory principles in the daily
behavior and work of individuals operating within or on behalf of the Group companies. Respect
for everyone’s rights, including privacy and equal opportunities, is a cornerstone of this Code of
Ethics. Discrimination or conflicts of interest within Hello Nature will not be tolerated.
Moral Integrity: Must characterize the behavior of the entire organization.
2. Diligence, Responsibility, and Competence: Within the Group, everyone must perform their
tasks in accordance with the professional and technical levels required by their role. At all times,
precautions must be taken to prevent harm to third parties, whether death, injury, health, or
material damage.
3. Loyalty: Recipients of this Code are required to focus their activities solely on achieving the
company’s objectives. All actions undertaken by recipients in performing their duties or
assignments must be guided by legality and the protection of the company, in accordance with
current regulations and internal procedures, as well as with fairness and the ethics of
responsibility. Information shared both externally and internally must be accurate and complete.
Hello Nature promotes an internal environment of civil coexistence where every employee interacts
with honesty, ethics, and mutual respect. Each employee must perform his duties responsibly,
honestly, diligently, and with sound judgment, in compliance with the Group’s procedures and
directives. Everyone must avoid situations of conflict of interest or other situations that could potentially
harm the companies. It is emphasized that, to preserve the integrity of the company’s image and
reputation, it is advisable to avoid even the mere appearance of a lack of integrity.
1.1 Recruitment and Management of personnel
The evaluation of personnel to be hired is carried out based on the alignment between
candidates’ profiles and the expected ones, as well as the company’s needs, ensuring equal
opportunities for all concerned individuals. The information requested from candidates is strictly
related to verifying their compatibility with the professional profile sought. Upon establishing the
employment relationship, employees must receive comprehensive information and training
regarding the characteristics of their duties and roles, regulatory and compensation elements,
as well as the standards and behaviors required for managing health-related risks.
All personnel must be hired under regular employment contracts in compliance with legal
obligations: no form of irregular or non-compliant work is tolerated. The Hello Nature Group
avoids and combats all forms of discrimination against its employees. In personnel management
and development processes, as well as during recruitment, decisions are based on the
alignment between expected and actual profiles of employees and/or merit-based
1.2 Integrity and Personal Protection
Hello Nature guarantees the right to work conditions that respect the dignity of the individual,
combating any discriminatory or harmful attitude or behavior towards the person. Sexual
harassment is strongly condemned, and behaviors or speech that may disturb the sensitivity of
the person should be avoided. An employee who believes to have been subject to harassment
or discrimination based on age, gender, sexuality, race, health status, nationality, political
opinions, or religious beliefs can report the incident to the human resources manager, who will
assess whether there has been a violation of this code.
1.3 Duties of Employees
The employee must act loyally in order to respect the obligations set out in the employment
contract and those provided by this code, ensuring the requested performance. The employee
• Know and implement the company’s policies regarding information security to ensure its
integrity, confidentiality, and availability;
• Prepare their documents in a clear, objective, and thorough manner, allowing for any
checks by internal or external parties authorized to request them;
• Safeguard the company’s assets by properly protecting movable and immovable
property, technological resources and IT supports, equipment, company products,
information, and/or the company’s know-how;
• Work diligently to protect company assets through responsible behavior and in
accordance with operational procedures regulating their use, scrupulously following all
security programs to prevent unauthorized use or theft;
• Avoid improper use of company assets for purposes contrary to mandatory legal norms,
public order, or good morals, as well as for committing or inducing the commission of
crimes and/or racial intolerance, the glorification of violence, or the violation of human
The activity of each individual should be inspired by the desire to enhance their skills and
improve their professionalism. Employees are required to maintain confidentiality about news
and/or information of a confidential nature acquired from clients, suppliers, competitors, or that
they have access to due to their role, in order to ensure maximum confidentiality regarding the
documents and information of the company they work for and the group in general (including
projects, proposals, strategies, negotiations, agreements, commitments, ongoing contracts,
financial projections, pricing policy, and client lists).
It is absolutely prohibited for employees and collaborators to:
• Reveal confidential information to competitors, third parties outside the group, family
members, and friends included;
• Improperly use confidential information they have come to know, even outside of working
• Disclose information about their companies to third parties, unless the information has
been made public;
• Discuss confidential business of the group or any of its companies in public or in places
open to the public where third parties may be present.
All those who operate in the name and on behalf of even a single company within the Group are
required to diligently keep all documentation related to the activity performed, refraining from
offering money or any other type of benefit to their interlocutors, or from establishing unlawful
personal relationships of favor that could influence the outcome of the relationship.
1.4 Gifts and Forms of Benefits
The recipients of the code must not accept, even during holidays, gifts or other benefits related
to their professional activities, unless they are of modest value.
Recipients who, in the exercise of their duties, receive gifts or other benefits of modest value
are still required to promptly inform the company management: the latter will assess the
appropriateness and may request the return of such gifts.
Recipients of this code must refrain from practices that are not allowed by law, commercial
customs, or the ethical codes of the companies or organizations with which they have
relationships, if they are not in compliance with current regulations.
1.5 Conflict of Interest
The Hello Nature Group recognizes and respects the right of its employees to participate in
investments, business, or other activities outside those carried out in the interest of its
companies, provided that such activities are permitted by law and compatible with the
obligations undertaken towards the group.
It is understood, however, that any activity carried out on behalf of Hello Nature must be aimed
exclusively at fulfilling its interests. Therefore, any situations of conflict between personal
interests and those of the Group must be avoided or, at the very least, communicated in
advance. It should be noted that conflicts of interest often correspond to violations of existing
In case of doubt, the employee should consult their direct superior or the manager to clarify
whether they are in a situation that could potentially lead to a conflict of interest.
Recipients must always act loyally, in good faith, with diligence, efficiency, and fairness, focusing
their conduct on cooperation and collaboration with colleagues and superiors, making the best
use of the tools and time available to them, and taking on the responsibilities associated with
their duties.
The following activities are prohibited as they may represent an actual or perceived conflict of
• Having a significant financial interest or obligation to any external company that is or
seeks to do business with the Hello Nature Group or that is a current or potential
competitor of the group;
• Holding the position of director, manager, or any other management or consulting role for
any actual or potential competitor of the Group or participating in activities that are directly
competitive with those of the Group;
•Engaging in significant business activities on behalf of the Group with an external
company that is or seeks to do business with a company within the Group, if a close
relative of the employee is a director, manager, or employee of that company;
• Using their position within the company or any business information or opportunities
acquired in the course of their duties for personal gain or the benefit of third parties.
External collaborators and consultants of Hello Nature are required, in the execution of the contractual
relationship established or the tasks assigned to them, to behave with fairness, good faith, and loyalty,
respecting, where applicable, the provisions of this Code of Ethics, company regulations, and the
instructions and requirements given to the Group’s staff, under penalty of termination of the contract.
The group selects and identifies collaborators and consultants with absolute impartiality, autonomy,
and independence of judgment, without accepting any conditioning or compromises of any kind aimed
at securing or obtaining favors or advantages.
In this context, Hello Nature considers only professional competence, reputation, independence,
organizational ability, fairness, and the punctual execution of contractual obligations and assigned
tasks as requirements.
Relationships with clients are based on fully satisfying their needs with the goal of creating a solid
relationship inspired by the principles of fairness, honesty, efficiency, and professionalism.
The primary interest of Hello Nature is the complete satisfaction of the clients and the understanding
of their needs.
The pillars of the customer satisfaction policy are based on the following values:
Attention: Identifying needs, even unspoken, by expanding listening channels and establishing a
relationship of mutual trust;
Credibility: Keeping every commitment made and behaving consistently with what has been declared;
Transparency: Providing the client with comprehensive information to make them aware both in
choosing products and regarding the Group’s actions to meet their requests;
Flexibility: Adapting promptly to the needs and changes in the market and environment in which the
company operates;
Courtesy: Treating clients with respect and recognizing that their satisfaction is vital for the well-being
of the company.
Consequently, contracts and communications with clients must be based on:
• Full transparency and fairness;
• Compliance with the law and applicable regulations;
• Completeness, so that no relevant element for the client is overlooked.
Suppliers of the Hello Nature Group are required to comply with the laws and adhere to the principles
set out in this Code of Ethics.
In particular, suppliers are required to respect the human rights of workers in accordance with
applicable labor laws, with specific attention to child labor and the provisions of laws regarding health
and safety.
Suppliers are also required not to support, either directly or indirectly, mafia organizations, terrorist
groups, or any criminal organizations.
Violations of the general principles of the Code by suppliers will grant the company the right to terminate
the contract.
Employees and directors of the Hello Nature Group are committed to not offering employment and/or
business opportunities to public administration personnel involved in inspections, audits, or checks, or
to their family members.
It is strictly forbidden to offer, either directly or through third parties, sums of money, gifts, or any other
kind of benefit to public administration personnel or their family members with whom the company has
any kind of relationship, in exchange for compensating or rewarding them for an act of their office, or
to induce them to perform an act contrary to the duties of their office.
Any company within the Group, if deemed appropriate, may support public entities’ programs aimed at
creating utility and benefits for the community, as well as the activities of foundations and associations,
always in compliance with applicable regulations and the principles of this code.
If employees receive explicit or implicit requests for benefits of any kind from public administration
personnel or from individuals or entities acting on behalf of the public administration, they must
immediately suspend all relations and inform their direct superior or the relevant company officer.
The provisions outlined above must not be circumvented by resorting to different forms of assistance
and contributions, which, under the guise of assignments, consultancies, advertising, sponsorships,
representation expenses, etc., have purposes similar to those prohibited in this paragraph.
Hello Nature group operates in a lawful and correct manner in the conduct of its activities, cooperating
with the Judicial Authorities and the bodies delegated by them, when investigations are carried out
against it.
To this end, recipients are required, if requested, to provide truthful, transparent, and exhaustive
testimony representing the facts, and to avoid omissions when there is a legal obligation to act.
In the case of inspections, all existing documentation must be made available to the Judicial Authorities,
with an absolute prohibition on destroying or altering records, minutes, accounting books, or any other
type of document, as well as lying or persuading others to do so.
Hello Nature group considers environmental protection one of its top priorities; it promotes respect for
the environment, recognizing it as a defining and rewarding element for every type of project.
Hello Nature is committed to:
• Complying with applicable legislative requirements and any additional regulations signed
regarding the company’s environmental aspects;
• Promoting training, awareness, and empowerment activities for its staff regarding environmental
issues and the concept of sustainable development;
• Ensuring cooperation with local authorities and regulatory bodies;
• Adopting all possible procedures to minimize environmental impacts resulting from potential
emergency situations both at production and operational sites and at clients’ locations;
• Minimizing the consumption of raw materials and energy;
• Following environmental protection criteria and minimizing environmental impact in all operational
and administrative decisions.
Hello Nature group is committed to promoting and strengthening a safety culture by:
• Developing awareness of risks;
• Promoting and requiring responsible behavior among its employees;
• Implementing preventive actions;
in order to safeguard the safety, health, and well-being not only of its employees but also of all
individuals who enter its premises.
Every activity within the Group must be focused on ensuring workplace safety, strict adherence to
safety regulations, and the measures required by internal procedures and regulations.
In conducting its activities, the Group assigns significant value and implements concrete measures to
ensure the best working conditions for its employees, committing to:
• Fully comply with current legislation;
• Focus on the prevention of accidents and occupational diseases by implementing a health and
safety management system at the workplace;
• Create and maintain a safe working environment;
• Inform individuals about the risks and emergencies they may encounter and the protective
equipment available;
• Extend protection to all those who have relationships with the Group’s companies;
• Prevent risk situations and potential harm to people, property, and environmental resources that
may result from the use of the Group’s products.
The Hello Nature Group is aware of the importance of truthfulness, transparency, accuracy,
completeness, and compliance with current regulations of accounting information.
The financial statements, reports, and communications required by law must be drafted in compliance
with the code of regulations and accounting principles, with clarity and transparency, accurately
reflecting the company’s financial and asset situation.
Directors, employees, and consultants, each within their respective duties and functions, are required
to rigorously adhere to the operational accounting and management procedures, which must regulate
the conduct of every operation and transaction. These procedures must ensure that the legitimacy,
authorization, consistency, appropriateness, correct recording, and verifiability of transactions,
including the use of financial resources, can be verified.
Those entrusted with the task of:
• Keeping accounting records;
• Preparing the financial statements or transmitting the necessary information to those
responsible for their preparation;
• Archiving accounting documentation;
must perform their duties in a manner that is:
• Accurate,
• Complete,
• Truthful and transparent, allowing for possible verifications by both internal and external
parties assigned to this task.
Accounting entries must be based on precise and verifiable information and must fully comply with
operational procedures regarding accounting. The accounting must be based on accurate and
verifiable information and must adhere fully to the operational procedures in place for accounting. Each
entry must allow for the reconstruction of the related operation and must be accompanied by adequate
Reports, accounting records, and any document of the company must accurately and clearly represent
relevant facts and the true nature of operations and report all substantial facts of an operation without
omitting any information that would be relevant to the interpretation of their content. All actions
concerning the company’s activities must result in adequate records that allow for audits and controls
on the decision-making, authorization, and execution processes. Any behavior that would prevent or
hinder the activities of control or auditing by shareholders, corporate bodies, public supervisory